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Turn your lights off tonight for Earth Hour and commit to a sustainable living

Turn off your lights tonight for one hour at 8.30pm at your respective homes and recommit to the fight against climate change.

This Earth Hour comes with a great sense of urgency. We can see the worsening impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, soil degradation, water scarcity and human health risk.
The good news is: there are solutions. It is still possible to limit climate change, protect our planet and safeguard our future sustainably.
Earth Hour represents an occasion where ordinary individuals show their appreciation of the environment and nature, and adopt actions on daily basis, contributing to making a difference for a sustainable society.
Earth Hour unites people to save the planet.
People use this day to reflect on how we can better treat the earth, such as by recycling, reducing our plastic use, switching to renewable electricity and taking measures to lower our carbon footprint –all are key to protecting the planet.
Turn off your lights tonight for one hour at 8.30pm at your respective homes and recommit to the fight against climate change.
“After the hour, all individuals are urged to continue to take a positive action for the Earth and openly discuss best practices they can adopt on daily basis to contribute to sustainable biodiversity, energy, food and water for all,” said Mr Seng Teak, WWF Country Director.
“Our positive action today and onward for protecting the Earth creates a good legacy for future generations,” he added.
Together, let’s build a cleaner, safer and greener future for the current and future generations.
“Let’s cultivate our generation for the positive change to help protect the environment and natural resources for our sustainable future,” said Ms Soun Sreydeth, Student of Department of Media and Communications of the Royal University of Phnom Penh.
For more information, please contact:
TEP Asnarith (Mr), 012 957 919
Head of communications, advocacy, knowledge management
Notes to the Editor:
  • We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives around the world from the coronavirus outbreak and our thoughts are with the families who have lost their loved ones or who are sick. Given the unprecedented circumstances, WWF advises everyone to join Earth Hour at home or online.
  • Earth Hour activities go digital this year, but remains a socio-environmental phenomenon that is celebrated every year by millions of people around the globe, including Cambodian citizens. It is an occasion where ordinary individuals demonstrate their appreciation of the environment and nature and commit to making a change for good. Earth Hour unites people to save the planet.
  • Visit and follow our campaign Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WWFCambodia/
Campaign hashtags:  #EarthHourCambodia, #Connect2Earth #VoiceForThePlanet
And Join us to raise our voice for the planet: https://voicefortheplanet.org/
© WWF-Cambodia
Wifi sign for Earth Hour 2020