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Our News
¡Pando, un lugar donde la naturaleza y la gente prosperan juntos!
(English below)
Cobija, abril de 2024.- En abril, Pando celebró el Mes de los Frutos Amazónicos, destacando los esfuerzos de conservación convertidos en política pública. El gobierno departamental impulsó la agenda establecida por la Ley Departamental 013/22, promoviendo diversas actividades a través de SEDEPRO (Servicio de Desarrollo Productivo Amazónico de Asistencia Técnica Integral) y la plataforma multiactor PICFA (Plataforma Interinstitucional del Complejo Productivo de Frutos Amazónicos de Pando). Estas iniciativas fortalecen las cadenas de valor de los frutos amazónicos en la región.
Cobija, abril de 2024.- En abril, Pando celebró el Mes de los Frutos Amazónicos, destacando los esfuerzos de conservación convertidos en política pública. El gobierno departamental impulsó la agenda establecida por la Ley Departamental 013/22, promoviendo diversas actividades a través de SEDEPRO (Servicio de Desarrollo Productivo Amazónico de Asistencia Técnica Integral) y la plataforma multiactor PICFA (Plataforma Interinstitucional del Complejo Productivo de Frutos Amazónicos de Pando). Estas iniciativas fortalecen las cadenas de valor de los frutos amazónicos en la región.
WWF-Bolivia contribuye a este importante propósito mediante la implementación de acciones que promueven la conservación, manejo y aprovechamiento sostenible de los frutos amazónicos en comunidades locales del departamento de Pando.
Desde 2005, WWF ha brindado apoyo a la Reserva Manuripi y al SERNAP en la consolidación del aprovechamiento sostenible de la castaña. Este proceso ha implicado la adopción de buenas prácticas en la recolección y almacenamiento, así como la implementación de regulaciones, certificación orgánica, sello de origen y mecanismos de comercialización y sostenibilidad financiera, los cuales continúan siendo implementados hasta la fecha.
En 2016, iniciamos el aprovechamiento del asaí fortaleciendo la base recolectora en 5 comunidades. En 2017, instalamos la primera planta de procesamiento de asaí en la comunidad de Villa Florida, la cual fue nuestra primera planta piloto. Este proyecto nos permitió aprender sobre el proceso productivo del asaí, desde una producción inicial de 7 toneladas hasta alcanzar las 69 toneladas en la última gestión. El crecimiento experimentado en 2022 nos llevó a establecer un segundo emprendimiento en la comunidad Luz de América, donde en su primer año superamos las 25 toneladas. Ambas plantas de transformación cuentan con el apoyo de WWF en sus procesos de certificación orgánica para garantizar la cadena de custodia.
Durante el Mes de los Frutos Amazónicos, WWF está impulsando los procesos de certificación orgánica de castaña en 325,000 hectáreas y de asaí/palma real/majo en 135,000 hectáreas dentro de la Reserva Manuripi. Esta es la primera experiencia en la región que abarca una superficie certificada con cuatro frutos amazónicos. Ahora estamos expandiendo este conocimiento y experiencia trabajando con más comunidades, como Campeones y Nacebe, en otros municipios del departamento de Pando. Nuestro objetivo es preparar a la base recolectora y aumentar sus capacidades de recolección para enfrentar los grandes desafíos de comercialización que se avecinan en el corto plazo para el departamento.
El 20 de abril, apoyamos el lanzamiento de la zafra del asaí, una actividad de gran importancia que marca el inicio de la temporada de cosecha en el departamento. El asaí se ha convertido en una actividad económica significativa en las comunidades dedicadas a su recolección y transformación. La Gobernación de Pando, SEDEPRO, PICFA, FEDAFAP y diversas ONGs coordinan anualmente con todos los actores involucrados en esta cadena. En el evento participaron al menos 20 comunidades con iniciativas productivas relacionadas con el asaí, así como más de 300 personas, incluidas autoridades locales y nacionales, destacando la importancia de este evento.
Mantenemos nuestro compromiso de trabajar por una Amazonía viva.
Cobija, April 2024 - In April, Pando celebrated the Month of the Amazonian Fruits, highlighting the conservation efforts turned into public policy. The departmental government promoted the agenda established by Departmental Law 013/22, promoting various activities through SEDEPRO (Servicio de Desarrollo Productivo Amazónico de Asistencia Técnica Integral) and the multi-stakeholder platform PICFA (Plataforma Interinstitucional del Complejo Productivo de Frutos Amazónicos de Pando). These initiatives strengthen the Amazonian fruit value chains in the region.
WWF-Bolivia contributes to this important purpose by implementing actions that promote the conservation, management and sustainable use of Amazonian fruits in local communities in the department of Pando.
Since 2005, WWF has supported the Manuripi Reserve and SERNAP in consolidating the sustainable use of Brazil nuts. This process has involved the adoption of good practices in harvesting and storage, as well as the implementation of regulations, organic certification, seal of origin, and marketing and financial sustainability mechanisms, which continue to be implemented to date.
In 2016, we initiated the use of acai by strengthening the collection base in 5 communities. In 2017, we installed the first açaí processing plant in the community of Villa Florida, which was our first pilot plant. This project allowed us to learn about the açaí production process, from an initial production of 7 tons to reach 69 tons in the last management. The growth experienced in 2022 led us to establish a second venture in the Luz de América community, where in its first year we surpassed 25 tons. Both processing plants are supported by WWF in their organic certification processes to guarantee the chain of custody.
During the Month of the Amazonian Fruits, WWF is promoting organic certification processes for Brazil nuts on 325,000 hectares and for acai/palma real/majo on 135,000 hectares within the Manuripi Reserve. This is the first experience in the region that covers an area certified with four Amazonian fruits. We are now expanding this knowledge and experience by working with more communities, such as Campeones and Nacebe, in other municipalities in the department of Pando. Our objective is to prepare the harvesting base and increase their harvesting capacities to face the great commercialization challenges that lie ahead in the short term for the department.
On April 20, we supported the launching of the açaí harvest, an activity of great importance that marks the beginning of the harvesting season in the department. Açaí has become a significant economic activity in the communities dedicated to its collection and transformation. The Government of Pando, SEDEPRO, PICFA, FEDAFAP and various NGOs coordinate annually with all the actors involved in this chain. At least 20 communities with productive initiatives related to the açaí participated in the event, as well as more than 300 people, including local and national authorities, highlighting the importance of this event.
We remain committed to working for a living Amazon.
Cobija, April 2024 - In April, Pando celebrated the Month of the Amazonian Fruits, highlighting the conservation efforts turned into public policy. The departmental government promoted the agenda established by Departmental Law 013/22, promoting various activities through SEDEPRO (Servicio de Desarrollo Productivo Amazónico de Asistencia Técnica Integral) and the multi-stakeholder platform PICFA (Plataforma Interinstitucional del Complejo Productivo de Frutos Amazónicos de Pando). These initiatives strengthen the Amazonian fruit value chains in the region.
WWF-Bolivia contributes to this important purpose by implementing actions that promote the conservation, management and sustainable use of Amazonian fruits in local communities in the department of Pando.
Since 2005, WWF has supported the Manuripi Reserve and SERNAP in consolidating the sustainable use of Brazil nuts. This process has involved the adoption of good practices in harvesting and storage, as well as the implementation of regulations, organic certification, seal of origin, and marketing and financial sustainability mechanisms, which continue to be implemented to date.
In 2016, we initiated the use of acai by strengthening the collection base in 5 communities. In 2017, we installed the first açaí processing plant in the community of Villa Florida, which was our first pilot plant. This project allowed us to learn about the açaí production process, from an initial production of 7 tons to reach 69 tons in the last management. The growth experienced in 2022 led us to establish a second venture in the Luz de América community, where in its first year we surpassed 25 tons. Both processing plants are supported by WWF in their organic certification processes to guarantee the chain of custody.
During the Month of the Amazonian Fruits, WWF is promoting organic certification processes for Brazil nuts on 325,000 hectares and for acai/palma real/majo on 135,000 hectares within the Manuripi Reserve. This is the first experience in the region that covers an area certified with four Amazonian fruits. We are now expanding this knowledge and experience by working with more communities, such as Campeones and Nacebe, in other municipalities in the department of Pando. Our objective is to prepare the harvesting base and increase their harvesting capacities to face the great commercialization challenges that lie ahead in the short term for the department.
On April 20, we supported the launching of the açaí harvest, an activity of great importance that marks the beginning of the harvesting season in the department. Açaí has become a significant economic activity in the communities dedicated to its collection and transformation. The Government of Pando, SEDEPRO, PICFA, FEDAFAP and various NGOs coordinate annually with all the actors involved in this chain. At least 20 communities with productive initiatives related to the açaí participated in the event, as well as more than 300 people, including local and national authorities, highlighting the importance of this event.
We remain committed to working for a living Amazon.
© FGutierrez / WWF-Bolivia