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Our News
En la Hora del Planeta 2024, millones de personas de todo el mundo se unieron en apoyo y celebración de nuestro planeta.
(English below)
- Líderes mundiales, celebridades, grupos de jóvenes, empresas e individuos de más de 190 países y territorios se reunieron el sábado 16 de marzo a las 8:30 p.m., para dedicar una hora por el planeta.
- Debido al Censo de Población y Vivienda, la fecha se cambió, solo para Bolivia, para el sábado 16 de marzo.
- En Bolivia, más de 130 instituciones de la sociedad civil, sector público, academia y sector privado se unieron a La Hora Más Grande por el Planeta.
A nivel mundial participaron figuras públicas clave, como el Secretario General de la ONU, Antonio Guterres, el campeón olímpico de maratón keniano Eliud Kipchoge, el actor e influencer colombiano Sebastián Villalobos, la modelo y presentadora colombiana Claudia Bahamon, el Super Junior de K-pop Choi Siwon, la actriz de Hollywood Kate Walsh, la actriz de Bollywood Ananya Panday. Otras personalidades destacadas fueron el actor chino Zhu Yilong, el ex futbolista profesional camerunés Roger Milla, el olímpico de tenis de mesa Deng Yaping, el club de fútbol Paris Saint-Germain, el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente y muchos más.
En Bolivia, se hizo hincapié en el reciclaje y la gestión de residuos durante la Hora del Planeta, organizando actividades centradas en la economía circular, la reutilización de residuos, la reducción de plásticos y la limpieza urbana. Más de 35 eventos centrales tuvieron lugar en más de 35 ciudades y 130 organizaciones juveniles participaron en las celebraciones de la Hora del Planeta.
La Hora del Planeta de este año volvió a ser un faro de positividad, esperanza e inspiración en un mundo cada vez más dividido, ya que congregó a millones de personas en todo el mundo y atrajo a la causa a antiguos y nuevos partidarios. La Hora del Planeta invitó a todos, en todas partes, a unirse y a encontrar las formas más divertidas de "dar una hora por la Tierra" a través de su Banco de Horas, una renovada plataforma interactiva en línea que pretende hacer que el ecologismo sea accesible, divertido y personalmente significativo.
De los 1,4 millones de horas, personas de todo el mundo dedicaron más de 208,000 horas a reconectar con la naturaleza a través de su amor por el fitness, el aire libre y las artes; más de 248,000 horas a restaurar nuestro medio ambiente con su amor por la alimentación y la sostenibilidad; más de 703,000 horas a aprender más sobre nuestro planeta a través del edu-entretenimiento, y más de 261,000 horas a inspirar a otros y cerca de 45,000 horas a otras formas creativas de cuidar nuestro planeta, todo ello mientras hacen las cosas que les gustan.
En todo el mundo, un gran número de lugares emblemáticos también tomaron parte en el icónico momento de apagado de la Hora del Planeta: la Ópera de Sídney, la Torre de Tokio, la ciudad china de Ordos, el Estadio Nacional de Pekín, Taipei 101, el horizonte del puerto Victoria de Hong Kong, la Torre Namsan de Seúl, la Mezquita Shah Faisal, la Puerta de la India, el London Eye, el Coliseo, la Basílica Vaticana, la Puerta de Brandemburgo, la Torre Eiffel, el Monumento de la Mitad del Mundo, el Empire State Building, las cataratas del Niágara, la sede de la ONU y muchos más.
António Guterres, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, declaró: "La necesidad es urgente. Nuestro clima está colapsando. El año pasado fue el más caluroso de la historia. La Hora del Planeta es una muestra mundial de solidaridad para tomar un camino diferente. Demuestra el poder que cada uno de nosotros tiene en la lucha por nuestro futuro".
Kirsten Schuijt, Directora General de WWF Internacional, explicó: "Al finalizar la Hora del Planeta, reflexionamos sobre el increíble impacto de millones de personas unidas para defender la salud de nuestro planeta. Para unir de verdad a millones de personas en todo el mundo, nuestra prioridad es que la Hora del Planeta se extienda más allá de su ya enorme grupo de simpatizantes actuales y llegue a personas que aún no han participado. Proteger nuestro planeta es una responsabilidad compartida y exige la acción colectiva de todos los rincones de la sociedad. Juntos, hemos encendido un faro de esperanza, iluminando el camino hacia un futuro sostenible. Los 1,4 millones de horas dedicadas a la Tierra demuestran cómo el ecologismo puede ser accesible, agradable y personalmente significativo."
La Hora del Planeta tendrá lugar el año que viene a las 20:30 (hora local) del sábado 22 de marzo de 2025.
La #HoraMásGrandeParaLaTierra de este año también ha sido posible gracias a socios y colaboradores de todo el mundo, entre ellos su primer socio corporativo internacional Epson Seiko, por su campaña "Ahorrar energía: un simple interruptor", el Movimiento Mundial de Scouts y muchos otros colaboradores globales como Unsplash, Pocoyo, YMCA, entre muchos otros. A continuación figuran los actos y activaciones más destacados de la Hora del Planeta de WWF en todo el mundo:
- WWF-Bolivia hizo hincapié en el reciclaje y la gestión de residuos durante la Hora del Planeta, organizando actividades centradas en la economía circular, la reutilización de residuos, la reducción de plásticos y la limpieza urbana. Más de 35 eventos centrales tuvieron lugar en más de 35 ciudades y 130 organizaciones juveniles participaron en las celebraciones de la Hora del Planeta.
- WWF-Polonia movilizó a celebridades y voluntarios para concienciar y abogar por una mejor gestión de los ríos, impulsada por una catástrofe ecológica en el río Oder que se cobró la vida de más de 215 millones de organismos en 2022. A través de iniciativas sociales y en línea, junto con un acto de desconexión en Varsovia, la campaña recabó apoyo para una petición de cambios en el ministerio que supervisa la gestión de los ríos en Polonia, al tiempo que instaba a las comunidades de todo el país a tomar medidas para limpiar sus cursos de agua locales.
- WWF India organizó actividades de la Hora del Planeta por todo el país que incluyeron limpiezas de playas, sesiones de yoga, senderos naturales y ciclotones/maratones para promover los beneficios de estar al aire libre y utilizar medios de transporte sostenibles. Por primera vez, organizaron en Delhi un Festival de la Hora del Planeta que duró todo el día y en el que se leyeron libros, se proyectó la película ganadora de un Oscar "Todo lo que respira" y hubo una sesión de arte en directo a cargo de la célebre artista Anjolie Ela Menon. Los Embajadores de Buena Voluntad de La Hora del Planeta India 2024 amplifican la campaña: Dia Mirza, conocida actriz y Embajadora de Buena Voluntad del PNUMA, y PV Sindhu, icono del deporte y atleta olímpica.
- The WWF Regional Office for Africa involucró a superestrellas del deporte para promover la importancia de la conservación del medio ambiente y utilizar su poder social para inspirar a la gente a unirse y dar una hora por la Tierra. Entre los deportistas se encontraban el futbolista tanzano Juma Kaseja, la capitana de la selección nacional femenina de fútbol de Zambia, Barbra Banda, y muchos más.
- WWF-Japón colaboró con TBS Radio, la emisora de radio más importante del país, para celebrar su mayor evento de la Hora del Planeta 2024 en Tokio. El acto contó con grabaciones radiofónicas de una "sesión" de Ogiue Chiki en la que participaron el famoso cómico Naoki Tanaka, el redactor jefe del Asahi Shimbun, Toru Ishii, y la Miss Tierra Japón 2011, Tomoko Maeda. La actriz Renge Ishiyama y la popular banda japonesa de jazz/ska The SKAMOTTS también amenizaron el acto de celebración del apagón de la Hora del Planeta en LaLaPort Toyosu, un gran centro comercial de la bahía de Tokio.
- WWF-China se complació en anunciar que la ciudad de Ordos sería el epicentro de las festividades de la Hora del Planeta 2024. En torno al tema "Desarrollo ecológico, bajo en carbono y de alta calidad", se celebró un seminario de reflexión en el que participaron expertos de WWF-China, junto con dos prestigiosos académicos de la Academia China de Ciencias y de la Academia China de Ciencias Sociales. Se llevaron a cabo actividades públicas de participación en acciones sostenibles en diversos puntos neurálgicos de las ciudades de Pekín, Shanghái, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Wuhan y Changchun. Además, más de 100 ciudades de todo el país se sumaron al apagón y, por primera vez, todos los monumentos públicos de una ciudad entera, la ciudad de Ordos, se apagaron para mostrar su apoyo a un futuro mejor para nuestro planeta.
- WWF-US en colaboración con WWF Australia, recurrió este año a la ayuda de los streamers en directo por Internet para apoyar la Hora del Planeta, bajo el lema " Stream 60 for Earth". La iniciativa invitaba a la comunidad del streaming a contribuir al esfuerzo de la hora, retransmitiendo en directo durante al menos 60 minutos entre la Hora del Planeta y el Día de la Tierra, con el objetivo de recaudar fondos vitales y sensibilizar a la opinión pública en favor de WWF.
- WWF-Ecuador puso de relieve los efectos de la contaminación por plásticos en todo el país, con iniciativas para impulsar cambios políticos e implicar a grupos de jóvenes en la conservación del medio ambiente durante la Hora del Planeta. Las actividades incluyeron limpiezas de playas, exposiciones fotográficas, batallas de rap en torno al tema del plástico, una muestra de esculturas hechas con residuos plásticos y otras actividades para inspirar la acción contra la contaminación plástica en ciudades como Quito, Guayaquil, Manta, Puyo (en la Amazonia) y el delicado ecosistema de las islas Galápagos.
- WWF-Tanzania llevó este año la Hora del Planeta a la cima más alta del continente africano, con un equipo dedicado a recorrer el monte Kilimanjaro para poner de relieve los urgentes problemas medioambientales a los que se enfrenta el país. También organizaron limpiezas de playas, convirtiendo los residuos recogidos en una instalación artística para concienciar sobre el acuciante problema de la contaminación por plásticos y recordar a la gente que debe actuar. Al ser el país con la población más joven del mundo, también movilizaron a los jóvenes en torno a la importancia de la gestión medioambiental mediante una serie de concursos y talleres, con la esperanza de que se conviertan en los agentes del cambio del mañana.
- WWF Filipinas y el gobierno de la ciudad de Manila se han unido en la campaña nacional "Apaga la contaminación por plásticos, regala una hora a la Tierra", que insta al público a apagar los electrodomésticos y las luces para combatir la contaminación por plásticos. Esta iniciativa de la Hora del Planeta incluye una feria de ONG, una carrera virtual organizada por la famosa comunidad online de corredores y deportistas Pinoy Fitness, y una colaboración con Pablo, embajador musical de la Hora del Planeta de este año.
Sobre La Hora del Planeta
Nacida en Sídney en 2007, la Hora del Planeta ha crecido hasta convertirse en el mayor movimiento ecologista de base del mundo, inspirando a personas, comunidades, empresas y organizaciones de más de 190 países y territorios a emprender acciones en favor de nuestro planeta. La Hora del Planeta 2024 pretende crear la Mayor Hora del Planeta con su llamamiento a la acción "Dedica una hora a la Tierra". Anima a los participantes de todo el mundo a compartir su compromiso con el planeta dedicando una hora a actividades divertidas y solidarias. Desde aprender sobre la naturaleza viendo documentales hasta adoptar prácticas ecológicas y dietas sostenibles, hay para todos los gustos. Esto sirve como grito de guerra para la acción colectiva sin precedentes que se necesita para abordar los acuciantes retos medioambientales.
Sobre WWF
WWF es una organización conservacionista independiente, con más de 5 millones de simpatizantes y una red mundial activa en más de 100 países. La misión de WWF es detener la degradación del entorno natural de la Tierra y construir un futuro en el que los seres humanos vivan en armonía con la naturaleza, conservando la diversidad biológica del mundo, garantizando que el uso de los recursos naturales renovables sea sostenible y promoviendo la reducción de la contaminación y el consumo derrochador.
- World leaders, celebrities, youth groups, businesses and individuals from more than 190 countries and territories gathered on Saturday, March 16 at 8:30 p.m. to dedicate one hour for the planet.
- Due to the Population and Housing Census, the date was changed, only for Bolivia, to Saturday, March 16.
- In Bolivia, more than 130 institutions from civil society, the public sector, academia and the private sector joined the Greatest Hour for the Planet.
Santa Cruz, April, 2024 - On March 16 in Bolivia and March 23 globally, millions of people around the world joined together for the 18th annual Earth Hour in support and celebration of our planet. Supporters from more than 180 countries and territories collectively contributed more than 1.4 million hours, making this year's Earth Hour the largest Earth Hour to date, with many more hours to come as celebrations are still taking place in many places.
Globally, key public figures participated, including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Kenyan Olympic marathon champion Eliud Kipchoge, Colombian actor and influencer Sebastian Villalobos, Colombian model and presenter Claudia Bahamon, K-pop Super Junior Choi Siwon, Hollywood actress Kate Walsh, Bollywood actress Ananya Panday. Other notable personalities included Chinese actor Zhu Yilong, former Cameroonian professional soccer player Roger Milla, table tennis Olympian Deng Yaping, Paris Saint-Germain soccer club, the United Nations Environment Program and many more.
In Bolivia, recycling and waste management were emphasized during Earth Hour, with activities focusing on the circular economy, waste reuse, plastic reduction and urban cleanup. More than 35 central events took place in over 35 cities and 130 youth organizations participated in the Earth Hour celebrations.
This year's Earth Hour was once again a beacon of positivity, hope and inspiration in an increasingly divided world, bringing together millions of people around the world and attracting old and new supporters to the cause. Earth Hour invited everyone, everywhere to join in and find the most fun ways to "give an hour for the Earth" through its Hour Bank, a revamped interactive online platform that aims to make environmentalism accessible, fun and personally meaningful.
Of the 1.4 million hours, people around the world spent more than 208,000 hours reconnecting with nature through their love of fitness, the outdoors and the arts; more than 248,000 hours restoring our environment with their love of food and sustainability; more than 703,000 hours learning more about our planet through edutainment; and more than 261,000 hours inspiring others and nearly 45,000 hours on other creative ways to care for our planet, all while doing the things they love.
Around the world, a number of iconic landmarks also took part in the iconic Earth Hour switch-off moment: Sydney Opera House, Tokyo Tower, the Chinese city of Ordos, Beijing's National Stadium, Taipei 101, Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour skyline, Seoul's Namsan Tower, Shah Faisal Mosque, India Gate, the London Eye, the Colosseum, the Vatican Basilica, the Brandenburg Gate, the Eiffel Tower, the Middle of the World Monument, the Empire State Building, Niagara Falls, the UN Headquarters and many more.
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, stated, "The need is urgent. Our climate is collapsing. Last year was the hottest year in history. Earth Hour is a global show of solidarity to take a different path. It demonstrates the power each of us has in the fight for our future."
Kirsten Schuijt, Director General of WWF International, explained: "As Earth Hour comes to a close, we reflect on the incredible impact of millions of people coming together to stand up for the health of our planet. To truly unite millions of people around the world, our priority is to extend Earth Hour beyond its already huge group of current supporters and reach out to people who have not yet participated. Protecting our planet is a shared responsibility and requires collective action from all corners of society. Together, we have lit a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to a sustainable future. The 1.4 million hours dedicated to the Earth demonstrate how environmentalism can be accessible, enjoyable and personally meaningful."
Earth Hour will take place next year at 20:30 (local time) on Saturday, March 22, 2025.
This year's #GreatestEarthHour was also made possible by partners and supporters around the world, including its first international corporate partner Epson Seiko, for its "Save Energy: a simple switch" campaign, the World Scout Movement and many other global partners such as Unsplash, Pocoyo, YMCA, among many others. Below are the highlights of WWF's Earth Hour events and activations around the world:
Born in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour has grown to become the world's largest grassroots environmental movement, inspiring individuals, communities, businesses and organizations in more than 190 countries and territories to take action for our planet. Earth Hour 2024 aims to create the Greatest Earth Hour with its call to action "Spend One Hour for Earth." It encourages participants around the world to share their commitment to the planet by dedicating one hour to fun and caring activities. From learning about nature by watching documentaries to adopting eco-friendly practices and sustainable diets, there is something for everyone. This serves as a rallying cry for the unprecedented collective action needed to address pressing environmental challenges.
About WWF
WWF is an independent conservation organization with more than 5 million supporters and a global network active in over 100 countries. WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
Globally, key public figures participated, including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Kenyan Olympic marathon champion Eliud Kipchoge, Colombian actor and influencer Sebastian Villalobos, Colombian model and presenter Claudia Bahamon, K-pop Super Junior Choi Siwon, Hollywood actress Kate Walsh, Bollywood actress Ananya Panday. Other notable personalities included Chinese actor Zhu Yilong, former Cameroonian professional soccer player Roger Milla, table tennis Olympian Deng Yaping, Paris Saint-Germain soccer club, the United Nations Environment Program and many more.
In Bolivia, recycling and waste management were emphasized during Earth Hour, with activities focusing on the circular economy, waste reuse, plastic reduction and urban cleanup. More than 35 central events took place in over 35 cities and 130 youth organizations participated in the Earth Hour celebrations.
This year's Earth Hour was once again a beacon of positivity, hope and inspiration in an increasingly divided world, bringing together millions of people around the world and attracting old and new supporters to the cause. Earth Hour invited everyone, everywhere to join in and find the most fun ways to "give an hour for the Earth" through its Hour Bank, a revamped interactive online platform that aims to make environmentalism accessible, fun and personally meaningful.
Of the 1.4 million hours, people around the world spent more than 208,000 hours reconnecting with nature through their love of fitness, the outdoors and the arts; more than 248,000 hours restoring our environment with their love of food and sustainability; more than 703,000 hours learning more about our planet through edutainment; and more than 261,000 hours inspiring others and nearly 45,000 hours on other creative ways to care for our planet, all while doing the things they love.
Around the world, a number of iconic landmarks also took part in the iconic Earth Hour switch-off moment: Sydney Opera House, Tokyo Tower, the Chinese city of Ordos, Beijing's National Stadium, Taipei 101, Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour skyline, Seoul's Namsan Tower, Shah Faisal Mosque, India Gate, the London Eye, the Colosseum, the Vatican Basilica, the Brandenburg Gate, the Eiffel Tower, the Middle of the World Monument, the Empire State Building, Niagara Falls, the UN Headquarters and many more.
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, stated, "The need is urgent. Our climate is collapsing. Last year was the hottest year in history. Earth Hour is a global show of solidarity to take a different path. It demonstrates the power each of us has in the fight for our future."
Kirsten Schuijt, Director General of WWF International, explained: "As Earth Hour comes to a close, we reflect on the incredible impact of millions of people coming together to stand up for the health of our planet. To truly unite millions of people around the world, our priority is to extend Earth Hour beyond its already huge group of current supporters and reach out to people who have not yet participated. Protecting our planet is a shared responsibility and requires collective action from all corners of society. Together, we have lit a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to a sustainable future. The 1.4 million hours dedicated to the Earth demonstrate how environmentalism can be accessible, enjoyable and personally meaningful."
Earth Hour will take place next year at 20:30 (local time) on Saturday, March 22, 2025.
This year's #GreatestEarthHour was also made possible by partners and supporters around the world, including its first international corporate partner Epson Seiko, for its "Save Energy: a simple switch" campaign, the World Scout Movement and many other global partners such as Unsplash, Pocoyo, YMCA, among many others. Below are the highlights of WWF's Earth Hour events and activations around the world:
- WWF-Bolivia emphasized recycling and waste management during Earth Hour, organizing activities focused on the circular economy, waste reuse, plastic reduction and urban cleanup. More than 35 central events took place in over 35 cities and 130 youth organizations participated in the Earth Hour celebrations.
- WWF-Poland mobilized celebrities and volunteers to raise awareness and advocate for better river management, prompted by an ecological catastrophe on the Oder River that claimed the lives of more than 215 million organisms in 2022. Through online and social initiatives, along with a switch-off event in Warsaw, the campaign gathered support for a petition for changes to the ministry overseeing river management in Poland, while urging communities across the country to take action to clean up their local waterways.
- WWF India organized Earth Hour activities across the country that included beach clean-ups, yoga sessions, nature trails and bike/marathons to promote the benefits of being outdoors and using sustainable modes of transport. For the first time, they organized an all-day Earth Hour Festival in Delhi that featured book readings, a screening of the Oscar-winning film "All That Breathes" and a live art session by celebrated artist Anjolie Ela Menon. Earth Hour India 2024 Goodwill Ambassadors amplifying the campaign are Dia Mirza, well-known actress and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, and PV Sindhu, sports icon and Olympic athlete.
- The WWF Regional Office for Africa engaged sports superstars to promote the importance of environmental conservation and use their social power to inspire people to come together and give an hour for the Earth. Athletes included Tanzanian soccer player Juma Kaseja, Zambia women's national soccer team captain Barbra Banda and many more.
- WWF-Japan collaborated with TBS Radio, the country's largest radio station, to hold its largest Earth Hour 2024 event in Tokyo. The event featured radio recordings of an Ogiue Chiki "session" featuring famous comedian Naoki Tanaka, Asahi Shimbun editor-in-chief Toru Ishii, and Miss Earth Japan 2011 Tomoko Maeda. Actress Renge Ishiyama and popular Japanese jazz/ska band The SKAMOTTS also entertained at the Earth Hour blackout celebration event at LaLaPort Toyosu, a large shopping mall in Tokyo Bay.
- WWF-China was pleased to announce that Ordos City would be the epicenter of Earth Hour 2024 festivities. Based on the theme of "Green, Low-Carbon and High-Quality Development", a brainstorming seminar was held with the participation of experts from WWF-China, along with two renowned scholars from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Public activities to engage in sustainable actions were held in various hotspots in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Wuhan and Changchun. In addition, more than 100 cities across the country joined the blackout and, for the first time, all public monuments in an entire city, the city of Ordos, were turned off to show their support for a better future for our planet.
- WWF-US in collaboration with WWF Australia, enlisted the help of online live streamers this year to support Earth Hour, under the slogan "Stream 60 for Earth". The initiative invited the streaming community to contribute to the hour's effort by streaming live for at least 60 minutes between Earth Hour and Earth Day, with the aim of raising vital funds and awareness for WWF.
- WWF-Ecuador highlighted the effects of plastic pollution across the country, with initiatives to drive policy change and engage youth groups in environmental conservation during Earth Hour. Activities included beach cleanups, photo exhibits, rap battles around the plastic theme, a display of sculptures made from plastic waste, and other activities to inspire action against plastic pollution in cities such as Quito, Guayaquil, Manta, Puyo (in the Amazon) and the delicate ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands.
- WWF-Tanzania took Earth Hour to the highest peak on the African continent this year, with a dedicated team trekking Mount Kilimanjaro to highlight the urgent environmental issues facing the country. They also organized beach cleanups, turning the collected waste into an art installation to raise awareness of the pressing problem of plastic pollution and remind people to take action. As the country with the youngest population in the world, they also mobilized young people around the importance of environmental stewardship through a series of contests and workshops, in the hope that they will become tomorrow's agents of change.
- WWF Philippines and the Manila City Government have joined hands in the nationwide "Turn Off Plastic Pollution, Give an Hour to the Earth" campaign, which urges the public to turn off appliances and lights to combat plastic pollution. This Earth Hour initiative includes an NGO fair, a virtual race organized by the famous online community of runners and athletes Pinoy Fitness, and a collaboration with Pablo, this year's Earth Hour music ambassador.
Born in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour has grown to become the world's largest grassroots environmental movement, inspiring individuals, communities, businesses and organizations in more than 190 countries and territories to take action for our planet. Earth Hour 2024 aims to create the Greatest Earth Hour with its call to action "Spend One Hour for Earth." It encourages participants around the world to share their commitment to the planet by dedicating one hour to fun and caring activities. From learning about nature by watching documentaries to adopting eco-friendly practices and sustainable diets, there is something for everyone. This serves as a rallying cry for the unprecedented collective action needed to address pressing environmental challenges.
About WWF
WWF is an independent conservation organization with more than 5 million supporters and a global network active in over 100 countries. WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

© Ana Cecilia Bedregal
Earth Hour in Bolivia