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¡Un hito para la conservación del jaguar en Bolivia y la Amazonía! Pando declaró al jaguar como Patrimonio Natural Departamental
(English below)
Pando, mayo 2024.- En un hito significativo para la conservación de la biodiversidad, el jaguar ha sido declarado patrimonio natural departamental en Pando, Bolivia. A partir de este año, cada 22 de mayo se celebrará el Día Departamental del Jaguar, una iniciativa que busca resaltar la importancia de esta majestuosa especie y su entorno.
Pando, mayo 2024.- En un hito significativo para la conservación de la biodiversidad, el jaguar ha sido declarado patrimonio natural departamental en Pando, Bolivia. A partir de este año, cada 22 de mayo se celebrará el Día Departamental del Jaguar, una iniciativa que busca resaltar la importancia de esta majestuosa especie y su entorno.
“El jaguar es una especie vital para el buen funcionamiento de los ecosistemas, siendo también un indicador de la salud de los boques; por lo que su conservación, es una tarea primordial para proteger el futuro de la Amazonía boliviana y de las futuras generaciones. El declarar patrimonio natural departamental al jaguar constituye una importante oportunidad para continuar uniendo esfuerzos y realizando sinergias de acciones con diferentes actores e instituciones, que propicien, fomenten y fortalezcan la conservación del Jaguar en Pando” explicó Michelle Peñaranda, Oficial de monitoreo y vida silvestre SWA.
El Gobierno Departamental de Pando a través de la Secretaría de la Madre Tierra y la Asamblea Departamental ha trabajado arduamente para establecer esta ley, con el objetivo de promover la conservación del jaguar y su hábitat natural. Esta medida también busca fortalecer la valoración de la identidad amazónica de la especie, destacando su relevancia ecológica y cultural.
“Somos un departamento que queremos conservar, una fecha como el “Día Departamental del Jaguar” para la conservación de la especie en Pando será recordada por las generaciones que vienen, es importante lo que estamos haciendo en conjunto, la Gobernación y la Asamblea, la alianza para la conservación del jaguar, siendo el primer departamento en declararlo Patrimonio Natural, esta iniciativa que nos compromete a sumar esfuerzos para su conservación” expresó Regis Richter Gobernador de Pando.
Pando se convierte así en el primer departamento de Bolivia en otorgar al jaguar el estatus de patrimonio natural, marcando un paso trascendental en los esfuerzos de conservación de este emblemático felino en la Amazonía boliviana. Esta declaración no solo subraya el compromiso de la región con la preservación de su fauna, sino que también sienta un precedente inspirador para otras regiones del país y del continente.
“Para nosotros como Gobierno Autónomo Departamental de Pando y como Secretaria de Madre Tierra es de mucha importancia contar con nuestra ley de declaratoria de nuestro jaguar pandino (Panthera onca), como Patrimonio Natural Departamental y emblema de conservación de nuestra biodiversidad y fauna silvestre. Como Gobernación tenemos el compromiso de continuar sensibilizando a la población pandina y contribuir a la conservación de nuestro departamento 100% amazónico” destacó Homali Flores, Secretaria de Madre Tierra del Gobierno Autónomo Departamental de Pando.
Como WWF-Bolivia, estamos impulsando la conservación del jaguar en Pando a través de diversos proyectos y alianzas estratégicas con instituciones públicas y privadas. Nuestro objetivo es promover la protección del jaguar en áreas protegidas y territorios indígenas del departamento mediante acciones de sensibilización, monitoreo comunitario participativo del jaguar y sus presas, y el fortalecimiento de medios de vida sostenibles.
Desde 2023, estamos implementando un plan de coexistencia entre humanos y jaguares que incluye actividades de concienciación y la participación activa de las comunidades locales en el monitoreo de la fauna. Este enfoque colaborativo no solo ayuda a preservar la población de jaguares, sino que también promueve prácticas sostenibles que benefician tanto a la gente como al medio ambiente.
“Como WWF estamos muy contentos de participar de estos momentos tan importantes para el jaguar y su conservación en el departamento de Pando, al inicio impulsando la Alianza para la conservación del Jaguar y que ahora que se concreta con la declaratoria de patrimonio natural del JAGUAR en Pando, con el liderazgo de la gobernación y la asamblea departamental quienes reconocen el valor biológico y cultural de esta importante especie. Ratificamos nuestro compromiso con la conservación y con el departamento Pando para continuar aportando con el mismo compromiso junto con las otras organizaciones que formamos parte de la ALIANZA PARA LA CONSERVACION DEL JAGUAR EN PANDO” finalizó Victor García, Coordinador en Pando de WWF-Bolivia.
A milestone for jaguar conservation in Bolivia and the Amazon! Pando declared the jaguar as Departmental Natural Patrimony
Pando, May 2024.- In a significant milestone for biodiversity conservation, the jaguar has been declared departmental natural heritage in Pando, Bolivia. Starting this year, every May 22nd will be celebrated as Departmental Jaguar Day, an initiative that seeks to highlight the importance of this majestic species and its environment.
"The jaguar is a vital species for the proper functioning of ecosystems, being also an indicator of the health of the forests; therefore, its conservation is an essential task to protect the future of the Bolivian Amazon and future generations. Declaring the jaguar as a departmental natural heritage is an important opportunity to continue joining efforts and creating synergies of actions with different actors and institutions to promote, encourage and strengthen the conservation of the Jaguar in Pando" explained Michelle Peñaranda, SWA Wildlife and Monitoring Officer.
The Departmental Government of Pando through the Secretariat of Mother Earth and the Departmental Assembly has worked hard to establish this law, with the objective of promoting the conservation of the jaguar and its natural habitat. This measure also seeks to strengthen the valuation of the Amazonian identity of the species, highlighting its ecological and cultural relevance.
"We are a department that we want to conserve, a date like the "Departmental Day of the Jaguar" for the conservation of the species in Pando will be remembered for generations to come, it is important what we are doing together, the Government and the Assembly, the alliance for the conservation of the jaguar, being the first department to declare it Natural Heritage, this initiative that commits us to join efforts for its conservation" expressed Regis Richter Governor of Pando.
Pando thus becomes the first department in Bolivia to grant jaguar natural heritage status, marking a transcendental step in conservation efforts for this emblematic feline in the Bolivian Amazon. This declaration not only underscores the region's commitment to the preservation of its fauna, but also sets an inspiring precedent for other regions of the country and the continent.
A milestone for jaguar conservation in Bolivia and the Amazon! Pando declared the jaguar as Departmental Natural Patrimony
Pando, May 2024.- In a significant milestone for biodiversity conservation, the jaguar has been declared departmental natural heritage in Pando, Bolivia. Starting this year, every May 22nd will be celebrated as Departmental Jaguar Day, an initiative that seeks to highlight the importance of this majestic species and its environment.
"The jaguar is a vital species for the proper functioning of ecosystems, being also an indicator of the health of the forests; therefore, its conservation is an essential task to protect the future of the Bolivian Amazon and future generations. Declaring the jaguar as a departmental natural heritage is an important opportunity to continue joining efforts and creating synergies of actions with different actors and institutions to promote, encourage and strengthen the conservation of the Jaguar in Pando" explained Michelle Peñaranda, SWA Wildlife and Monitoring Officer.
The Departmental Government of Pando through the Secretariat of Mother Earth and the Departmental Assembly has worked hard to establish this law, with the objective of promoting the conservation of the jaguar and its natural habitat. This measure also seeks to strengthen the valuation of the Amazonian identity of the species, highlighting its ecological and cultural relevance.
"We are a department that we want to conserve, a date like the "Departmental Day of the Jaguar" for the conservation of the species in Pando will be remembered for generations to come, it is important what we are doing together, the Government and the Assembly, the alliance for the conservation of the jaguar, being the first department to declare it Natural Heritage, this initiative that commits us to join efforts for its conservation" expressed Regis Richter Governor of Pando.
Pando thus becomes the first department in Bolivia to grant jaguar natural heritage status, marking a transcendental step in conservation efforts for this emblematic feline in the Bolivian Amazon. This declaration not only underscores the region's commitment to the preservation of its fauna, but also sets an inspiring precedent for other regions of the country and the continent.
"For us as the Departmental Autonomous Government of Pando and as Secretary of Mother Earth, it is very important to have our law declaring our pandino jaguar (Panthera onca) as a Departmental Natural Heritage and emblem of conservation of our biodiversity and wildlife. As the Government of Pando, we are committed to continue raising awareness among the Pando population and contribute to the conservation of our 100% Amazonian department" said Homali Flores, Secretary of Mother Earth of the Autonomous Departmental Government of Pando.
As WWF-Bolivia, we are promoting jaguar conservation in Pando through various projects and strategic alliances with public and private institutions. Our goal is to promote jaguar protection in protected areas and indigenous territories in the department through awareness-raising actions, participatory community monitoring of the jaguar and its prey, and the strengthening of sustainable livelihoods.
Since 2023, we are implementing a human-jaguar coexistence plan that includes awareness-raising activities and the active participation of local communities in wildlife monitoring. This collaborative approach not only helps preserve the jaguar population, but also promotes sustainable practices that benefit both people and the environment.
"As WWF we are very happy to participate in these important moments for the jaguar and its conservation in the department of Pando, at the beginning promoting the Alliance for Jaguar Conservation and now that it is materialized with the declaration of natural heritage of the JAGUAR in Pando, with the leadership of the governor and the departmental assembly who recognize the biological and cultural value of this important species. We ratify our commitment to conservation and to the department of Pando to continue contributing with the same commitment along with the other organizations that are part of the ALLIANCE FOR THE CONSERVATION OF THE JAGUAR IN PANDO" concluded Victor Garcia, Coordinator in Pando of WWF-Bolivia.

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