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¡Bienvenidos a Ra'yi Conciencia! La nueva iniciativa de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia que promueve el compostaje urbano
(English below)
Santa Cruz, 16 mayo de 2024.- La Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia (CJB) del departamento de Santa Cruz, en coordinación con WWF-Bolivia y con el apoyo de WWF Suiza, llevó a cabo la inauguración del proyecto Ra'yi Conciencia tras 5 meses de intenso trabajo.
Santa Cruz, 16 mayo de 2024.- La Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia (CJB) del departamento de Santa Cruz, en coordinación con WWF-Bolivia y con el apoyo de WWF Suiza, llevó a cabo la inauguración del proyecto Ra'yi Conciencia tras 5 meses de intenso trabajo.
En 2023, miembros de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia de diferentes ciudades del país, participaron en la capacitación de Liderazgo y Empoderamiento Juvenil (YEL por sus siglas en inglés), una iniciativa liderada por la oficina de WWF Suiza. Esta capacitación tuvo como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades de los jóvenes líderes para establecer nuevas comunidades en distintas ciudades de Bolivia y para implementar proyectos que aborden problemáticas ambientales. El proyecto "Ra'yi Conciencia", creado por la CJB en Santa Cruz, surgió como resultado de esta capacitación.
"Hace un año, recibimos capacitaciones en gestión de proyectos que nos habilitaron para llevar a cabo iniciativas de incidencia y educación ambiental. Como grupo de voluntarios, decidimos emprender el proyecto de huerto urbano y compostaje en el espacio de La Federal” explicó Marcelo Leaños, miembro de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia y líder del proyecto Ra'yi Conciencia.
La implementación de estos proyectos enfocados en temas medioambientales permite crear una mayor conciencia entre la población urbana. Además, se busca fomentar la participación de los jóvenes en la discusión de problemas medioambientales y en la propuesta de iniciativas urbanas.
“Nuestro objetivo es crear un espacio en la ciudad donde podamos ofrecer educación ambiental y contribuir al compostaje, ya que actualmente no existen centros dedicados a este tipo de reciclaje de materia orgánica en Santa Cruz. Buscamos establecer un lugar de aprendizaje abierto al público en general interesado en la práctica del compostaje. Queremos convertirnos en un referente de este sistema para que otros espacios puedan replicarlo” añadió Marcelo.
Tamara Rada, miembro de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia destaca la importancia del compostaje urbano, afirmando: "Estoy muy feliz por la inauguración de este proyecto, porque uno de los principales objetivos es desmitificar la idea de que no se puede compostar en el centro de la ciudad y eliminar la creencia de que el compostaje genera malos olores y atrae roedores. Nuestro espacio está también enfocado en la academia y buscamos hacer ciencia. Por eso, estamos llevando a cabo una caracterización de los residuos sólidos para comprender su impacto. Recolectamos datos y los proyectamos para mostrarlos en artículos que demuestren el verdadero impacto del compostaje. Podemos observar impactos sociales, ambientales e incluso económicos".
La importancia de unir el arte y los temas ambientales se destaca en el espacio donde nació Ra'yi Conciencia, en La Federal, en pleno centro de la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, donde los voluntarios de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia pintaron un mural con las especies de fauna emblemáticas del país.
Andrea Alba, miembro de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia y artista, compartió su experiencia: “Fue muy gratificante hacer el mural en este espacio. Espero que podamos entender que el arte es un mensaje, que a través del arte se pueden transmitir ideas. El arte es una herramienta para mejorar como sociedad. Los quiero mucho y gracias por valorar mi arte”.
El sistema de compostaje utilizado en Ra'yi Conciencia consta de tres cajas: aporte, maduración y cosecha.
Durante el proceso de compostaje, se sigue el método de las capas, también conocido como "método lasagna", en el que se añaden sucesivas capas de materiales. Los ingredientes de esta “lasagna” son material orgánico y material seco. La primera capa consiste en hojarascas, que actúan como un colchón. En el caso de las cajas de Ra'yi Conciencia, a diario, se añade la materia generada por el Café ubicado dentro de La Federal.
La mayor parte de la descomposición ocurre en la caja de maduración. En este paso, se lleva un registro detallado, incluyendo la temperatura y la humedad. Como parte del enfoque académico estos datos permiten proyectar el proceso en el futuro y calcular la cantidad de metano que se evita liberar al medio ambiente.
La caja de cosecha contiene el compost final generado durante el proceso.
“¡Estamos emocionados de inaugurar el proyecto! Estamos aquí para promover la educación ambiental y enseñar a las personas sobre el compostaje. Quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a los 18 voluntarios que participaron en este proyecto. A partir de ahora, nuestro objetivo es enseñar a niños, jóvenes e incluso adultos sobre la importancia del compostaje. Estoy realmente emocionada por lo que estamos logrando: este es nuestro primer proyecto grande, ¡pero será el primero de muchos más! Todos están cordialmente invitados a Ra'yi Conciencia” expresó Anabel Menacho, Coordinadora Departamental de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia en Santa Cruz.
WWF busca demostrar que los jóvenes, desde cualquier posición, pueden ser agentes de cambio a favor del medio ambiente y de la sociedad en general.
“Estamos impresionados por el trabajo que han realizado, siento un orgullo porque son jóvenes que están haciendo acciones por nuestra ciudad, nuestro país y por el planeta. Felicidades, sigan con el proyecto, es un proyecto que tiene mucho potencial y mucho millaje” finalizó Andrea Herrera, Coordinadora de Comunicación y Compromiso de WWF-Bolivia.
Acerca de la Comunidad Juvenil de Bolivia
Es un grupo de jóvenes voluntarios estudiantes, profesionales y/o que tienen interés por la conservación del medio ambiente. La Comunidad Juvenil de WWF ha sido creada el año 2020, en medio de la pandemia mundial (Covid-19), y a consecuencia de varias reuniones virtuales semanales, organizadas bajo una agenda consensuada con más de 80 participantes. Conoce más acerca de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia.
Santa Cruz, May 16, 2024 - The Youth Community Bolivia (CJB) of the department of Santa Cruz, in coordination with WWF-Bolivia and with the support of WWF Switzerland, carried out the inauguration of the Ra'yi Conciencia project after 5 months of intense work.
In 2023, members of the Bolivia Youth Community from different cities in the country participated in the Youth Empowerment and Leadership (YEL) training, an initiative led by the WWF Switzerland office. This training aimed to strengthen the capacities of young leaders to establish new communities in different cities of Bolivia and to implement projects that address environmental issues. The "Ra'yi Conciencia" project, created by CJB in Santa Cruz, emerged as a result of this training.
"A year ago, we received training in project management that enabled us to carry out advocacy and environmental education initiatives. As a group of volunteers, we decided to undertake the urban garden and composting project in the La Federal space" explained Marcelo Leaños, member of the Bolivia Youth Community and leader of the Ra'yi Conciencia project.
The implementation of these projects focused on environmental issues allows to create greater awareness among the urban population. In addition, it seeks to encourage the participation of young people in the discussion of environmental problems and in the proposal of urban initiatives.
"Our goal is to create a space in the city where we can offer environmental education and contribute to composting, as there are currently no centers dedicated to this type of recycling of organic matter in Santa Cruz. We seek to establish a place of learning open to the general public interested in the practice of composting. We want to become a benchmark for this system so that other places can replicate it," added Marcelo.
Tamara Rada, member of the Bolivia Youth Community highlights the importance of urban composting, stating: "I am very happy about the inauguration of this project, because one of the main objectives is to demystify the idea that you cannot compost in the city center and to eliminate the belief that composting generates bad odors and attracts rodents. Our space is also focused on academia and we seek to do science. Therefore, we are conducting a characterization of solid waste to understand its impact. We collect data and project it to show in articles that demonstrate the true impact of composting. We can observe social, environmental and even economic impacts."
The importance of uniting art and environmental issues is highlighted in the space where Ra'yi Conciencia was born, in La Federal, in the heart of the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, where volunteers from the Bolivia Youth Community painted a mural with the emblematic fauna species of the country.
Andrea Alba, member of the Bolivia Youth Community and artist, shared her experience: "It was very gratifying to do the mural in this space. I hope we can understand that art is a message, that through art we can transmit ideas. Art is a tool to improve as a society. I love you all very much and thank you for appreciating my art".
The composting system used at Ra'yi Conciencia consists of three boxes: input, maturation and harvesting.
During the composting process, the layering method is followed, also known as the "lasagna method", in which successive layers of materials are added. The ingredients of this "lasagna" are organic material and dry material. The first layer consists of leaf litter, which acts as a cushion. In the case of Ra'yi Conciencia's boxes, the material generated by the Café located inside La Federal is added daily.
Most of the decomposition occurs in the maturation box. In this step, a detailed record is kept, including temperature and humidity. As part of the academic approach, this data allows projecting the process into the future and calculating the amount of methane that is avoided to be released into the environment.
The harvest box contains the final compost generated during the process.
"We are excited to inaugurate the project! We are here to promote environmental education and teach people about composting. I want to express my thanks to the 18 volunteers who participated in this project. From now on, our goal is to teach children, youth and even adults about the importance of composting. I am really excited about what we are accomplishing: this is our first big project, but it will be the first of many more! Everyone is cordially invited to Ra'yi Conciencia," said Anabel Menacho, Departmental Coordinator of the Bolivia Youth Community in Santa Cruz.
WWF seeks to demonstrate that young people, from any position, can be agents of change in favor of the environment and society in general.
"We are impressed by the work they have done, I feel proud because they are young people who are doing actions for our city, our country and for the planet. Congratulations, continue with the project, it is a project that has a lot of potential and a lot of mileage" concluded Andrea Herrera, Communication and Engagement Coordinator of WWF-Bolivia.
About the Youth Community of Bolivia
It is a group of young volunteers who are students, professionals and/or have an interest in environmental conservation. The WWF Youth Community was created in 2020, in the midst of the global pandemic (Covid-19), and as a result of several weekly virtual meetings, organized under a consensual agenda with more than 80 participants. Learn more about the Bolivia Youth Community.
Es un grupo de jóvenes voluntarios estudiantes, profesionales y/o que tienen interés por la conservación del medio ambiente. La Comunidad Juvenil de WWF ha sido creada el año 2020, en medio de la pandemia mundial (Covid-19), y a consecuencia de varias reuniones virtuales semanales, organizadas bajo una agenda consensuada con más de 80 participantes. Conoce más acerca de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia.
Santa Cruz, May 16, 2024 - The Youth Community Bolivia (CJB) of the department of Santa Cruz, in coordination with WWF-Bolivia and with the support of WWF Switzerland, carried out the inauguration of the Ra'yi Conciencia project after 5 months of intense work.
In 2023, members of the Bolivia Youth Community from different cities in the country participated in the Youth Empowerment and Leadership (YEL) training, an initiative led by the WWF Switzerland office. This training aimed to strengthen the capacities of young leaders to establish new communities in different cities of Bolivia and to implement projects that address environmental issues. The "Ra'yi Conciencia" project, created by CJB in Santa Cruz, emerged as a result of this training.
"A year ago, we received training in project management that enabled us to carry out advocacy and environmental education initiatives. As a group of volunteers, we decided to undertake the urban garden and composting project in the La Federal space" explained Marcelo Leaños, member of the Bolivia Youth Community and leader of the Ra'yi Conciencia project.
The implementation of these projects focused on environmental issues allows to create greater awareness among the urban population. In addition, it seeks to encourage the participation of young people in the discussion of environmental problems and in the proposal of urban initiatives.
"Our goal is to create a space in the city where we can offer environmental education and contribute to composting, as there are currently no centers dedicated to this type of recycling of organic matter in Santa Cruz. We seek to establish a place of learning open to the general public interested in the practice of composting. We want to become a benchmark for this system so that other places can replicate it," added Marcelo.
Tamara Rada, member of the Bolivia Youth Community highlights the importance of urban composting, stating: "I am very happy about the inauguration of this project, because one of the main objectives is to demystify the idea that you cannot compost in the city center and to eliminate the belief that composting generates bad odors and attracts rodents. Our space is also focused on academia and we seek to do science. Therefore, we are conducting a characterization of solid waste to understand its impact. We collect data and project it to show in articles that demonstrate the true impact of composting. We can observe social, environmental and even economic impacts."
The importance of uniting art and environmental issues is highlighted in the space where Ra'yi Conciencia was born, in La Federal, in the heart of the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, where volunteers from the Bolivia Youth Community painted a mural with the emblematic fauna species of the country.
Andrea Alba, member of the Bolivia Youth Community and artist, shared her experience: "It was very gratifying to do the mural in this space. I hope we can understand that art is a message, that through art we can transmit ideas. Art is a tool to improve as a society. I love you all very much and thank you for appreciating my art".
The composting system used at Ra'yi Conciencia consists of three boxes: input, maturation and harvesting.
During the composting process, the layering method is followed, also known as the "lasagna method", in which successive layers of materials are added. The ingredients of this "lasagna" are organic material and dry material. The first layer consists of leaf litter, which acts as a cushion. In the case of Ra'yi Conciencia's boxes, the material generated by the Café located inside La Federal is added daily.
Most of the decomposition occurs in the maturation box. In this step, a detailed record is kept, including temperature and humidity. As part of the academic approach, this data allows projecting the process into the future and calculating the amount of methane that is avoided to be released into the environment.
The harvest box contains the final compost generated during the process.
"We are excited to inaugurate the project! We are here to promote environmental education and teach people about composting. I want to express my thanks to the 18 volunteers who participated in this project. From now on, our goal is to teach children, youth and even adults about the importance of composting. I am really excited about what we are accomplishing: this is our first big project, but it will be the first of many more! Everyone is cordially invited to Ra'yi Conciencia," said Anabel Menacho, Departmental Coordinator of the Bolivia Youth Community in Santa Cruz.
WWF seeks to demonstrate that young people, from any position, can be agents of change in favor of the environment and society in general.
"We are impressed by the work they have done, I feel proud because they are young people who are doing actions for our city, our country and for the planet. Congratulations, continue with the project, it is a project that has a lot of potential and a lot of mileage" concluded Andrea Herrera, Communication and Engagement Coordinator of WWF-Bolivia.
About the Youth Community of Bolivia
It is a group of young volunteers who are students, professionals and/or have an interest in environmental conservation. The WWF Youth Community was created in 2020, in the midst of the global pandemic (Covid-19), and as a result of several weekly virtual meetings, organized under a consensual agenda with more than 80 participants. Learn more about the Bolivia Youth Community.

© FGutierrez / WWF-Bolivia
¡Bienvenidos a Ray'i Conciencia! La nueva iniciativa de la Comunidad Juvenil Bolivia que promueve el compostaje urbano